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Monitoring Etherlink nodes

Monitoring the behavior of the EVM node can be partially achieved by exploring the logs or through metrics.


Metrics for the node are always available on the /metrics endpoint of the address and port of the node (by default ""). One can query this using:

curl http://<rpc_addr>:<rpc_port>/metrics

You will be presented with the list of defined and computed metrics as follows:

#HELP metric description
#TYPE metric type
octez_metric_name{label_name=label_value} x.x

Each exported metric has the following form:

octez_evm_node_metric{label_name=label_value;...} value

Each metric name starts with octez as its namespace, followed by the a subsystem name evm_node, and the name of the metric. It follows the OpenMetrics specification.

A metric may provide labeled parameters which allow for different instances of the metric, with different label values. For instance, the metric octez_evm_node_calls_method has a label named method which allows this metric to have one value for each kind of method.

#HELP octez_evm_node_calls_method Method call counts
#TYPE octez_evm_node_calls_method counter
octez_evm_node_calls_method{method="debug_traceTransaction"} 13594.000000
octez_evm_node_calls_method{method="eth_blockNumber"} 2.000000

Metrics provide information about the node in the form of a gauge that can increase or decrease (like the base gas price of a block), a counter that can only increase (like the number of calls to a particular method), or a histogram used to track the size of events and how long they usually take (e.g., the time spent processing a block).

Metrics listing

Some of the metrics are computed when scraped from the node. As there is no rate limiter, you should consider scraping wisely and adding a proxy for a public endpoint, to limit the impact on performance.

The metric names in the table omit the namespace and subsystem for readability, so to have the full metric name you must add octez_evm_node_, e.g. octez_evm_node_boostrapping.

Metric namesTypeDescriptionRelevant mode
bootstrappinggauge0.0 if the EVM node is caught up with its upstream EVM node or 1.0 if it is in the process of bootstrappingObserver, RPC
headgaugeLevel of the node’s headall
confirmed_headgaugeConfirmed level (smart rollup node's head, ie as registered on L1)all
gas_pricegaugeBase gas price of the last blocksequencer, observer
infogaugeInformation about the kernel (commit hash and date), the node (mode) and the targeted rollup (smart_rollup_address)all
block_process_time_histogramhistogramThe time the EVM node spent processing a block. Buckets : [0.1; 0.1; 0.5; 1.; 2.; 5.; 10.; infinity] (in seconds)Sequencer, observer
time_processedcounterTime to process blocksSequencer, observer
transactionscounterNumber of transactions in the blocksall
callssummaryRPC endpoint call counts and sum of execution timesall
calls_methodcounterMethod call countsall
tx_poolgaugeMetrics about transaction pool content (computed when scraped)sequencer
blueprint_chunks_sent_on_inboxcounterNumber of blueprint chunks sent on the shared inboxsequencer
blueprint_chunks_sent_on_dalcounterNumber of blueprint chunks sent on the DALsequencer
signals_sentcounterNumber of DAL import signals sent on the inboxsequencer, observer
time_waitingcounterTime spent by a request waiting for a worker (in picosecond)sequencer, observer
queue_sizegaugeSize of the execution queue of simulationssequencer, observer
inconsistent_da_feescounterNode DA fees are inconsistent with kernel onessequencer*
confirm_gas_neededcounterInitially provided gas was not enough, confirmation was neededsequencer*

* inconsistent_da_fees and confirm_gas_needed are listed for exhausitivity, but are mainly useful to the development team for testing and debugging the node side validation feature.

Some metrics have labels that store information that can't be described by the metric value (which can only be a float). For example, the octez_evm_node_info metric has a label named mode (among others) that provides the mode of the node (RPC, observer, proxy, sequencer). Here is an example of the content from this metric with its labels:

octez_evm_node_info{commit_hash="99aa672c", commit_date="2024-10-29 11:53:40 +0100", mode="observer", smart_rollup_address="sr1Ghq66tYK9y3r8CC1Tf8i8m5nxh8nTvZEf"} 0.000000

This table shows the available labels:

informationcommit_hashcommit hash of the node version
informationcommit_datecommit date of the node version
informationmodemode of the node (RPC, observer, sequencer, proxy)
informationsmart_rollup_addressaddress of the Smart Rollup monitored
callsendpointendpoint reached (/, etc.)
callsmethodJSON RPC method called (etc_call, etc.)
calls_methodmethodJSON RPC method called (etc_call, etc.)
tx_poolkindEither number_of_addresses of number_of_transactions

Scraping metrics with prometheus

Scraping metrics gives you instant values of the metrics. For more effective monitoring, create a time series of these metrics.

We suggest using Prometheus for that purpose.

First, you need to install Prometheus from your favourite package manager, e.g.

sudo apt install prometheus

When Prometheus is installed, add the scraping job to the configuration file, by default /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml.

- job_name: 'octez-evm-node-exporter'
scrape_interval: <interval> s
metrics_path: "/metrics"
- targets: ['<addr>:<port>']

By default, the EVM node exposes its JSON RPC API endpoint to localhost:8545.

Note that Prometheus can also scrape metrics from several nodes.

Prometheus is a service, so you need to start it:

sudo systemctl start prometheus

You may visualize the log in real time to make sure the service works correctly:

sudo journalctl --follow --unit=prometheus.service

History size

By default, Prometheus keeps 15 days of data. It may be useful to increase the history window to keep wider history. To do so, update the Prometheus service execution argument (typically, in /etc/systemd/system/ To increase the history to 30 days, simply update the following line:

  ExecStart=/usr/bin/prometheus $ARGS --storage.tsdb.retention 30d

It is also possible to limit the size of the history by adding --storage.tsdb.retention.size 5GB. The first limit reached will trigger the cleanup. You can also add --storage.tsdb.path <path> to change the path were Prometheus stores data.

There are RPCs to trigger an early garbage collection of the Prometheus data but this requires you to start the Prometheus RPC server and tweak some rights. Alternatively, the easiest way to delete the whole history is to remove the output directory (typically, /var/lib/prometheus/metrics2/).

Make sure to restart the Prometheus service after updating its parameters.

Hardware metrics

In addition to node metrics, you may want to gather other information and statistics for effective monitoring, such as hardware metrics.

For that purpose, we suggest using Prometheus Node Exporter.

To install node exporter:

sudo apt install prometheus-node-exporter

Prometheus Node Exporter is a service, so you need to start it:

sudo systemctl start prometheus-node-exporter

To check that everything is working you may check the metrics endpoint:

curl localhost:9100/metrics

Then you need to configure a scraping job on the prometheus config:

- job_name: 'node-exporter'
scrape_interval: <interval> s
- targets: ['<addr>:<port>']

The target address of the node exporter is typically localhost:9100.


The node outputs logs in the <DATA_DIR>/daily_logs directory for major events (such as block production, connection to rollup node, etc) and a separate set of logs for the inner working of the internal EVM (or, more precisely, the kernel) in the <DATA_DIR>/kernel_logs.

The standards logs are output in files with a daily rotation and a retention period of 5 days. They are limited to INFO and ERROR by default, but the EVM node can be started with the option --verbose for more.

2024-11-01T23:59:54.999-00:00 [] The rollup node kernel applied blueprint 505715 leading to creating block 0xa33824839766bea9eb16e3cfb6a3e06fd5aedae1d19e50729f1575892[...].
2024-11-01T23:59:59.598-00:00 [] Applied a blueprint for level 505719 at 2024-11-01T23:59:59Z containing 0 transactions for 0 gas leading to creating block 0xe09fcee34c4f3fb7ac701e0508fadac7264cf7e595621a1d69d4dc533[...].

The EVM logs are stored in different files according to the context of the EVM call: creating blocks, simulation, validation of a transaction before inclusion in the tx pool, etc.

daily_logs/daily-YYYYMMDD.logMajor node events
kernel_logs/estimate_gasEVM logs during gas estimation
kernel_logs/kernel_logEVM logs during block production
kernel_logs/replayEVM logs during replay operations
kernel_logs/simulate_callEVM logs during simulation
kernel_logs/trace_transactionEVM logs during tracing
kernel_logs/tx_validityEVM logs during transaction validation

Scraping logs with Loki

Scraping logs makes them more easily searchable, and allows creating metrics to be used in monitoring.

We suggest using Loki for that purpose. Loki is a server that can be queried for logs, similar to what prometheus is for metrics. It relies on an agent to scrape and send the logs, we suggest Promtail. Promtail will scrape the logs and push them to the Loki instance which will make them available to the dashboard.

To install follow the instructions on the grafana website. Note that we don't discuss using the Alloy agent, but rather Promtail. To install using a package manager, see the install locally section, to add the grafana package repository.

Install Loki on the graphana server and Promtail on the EVM server.

Once both are installed, you need to add the scraping job to the Promtail configuration file (e.g. /etc/promtail/config.yaml) and specify the target Loki server.


You must also configure a parsing pipeline for the logs. Below is an example of a pipeline suitable for the daily logs. It uses grep to extract the event's name from the log, to make searching the logs easier. Alternatively, we present later a method to produce logs in a json format, and the appropriate Promtail pipeline.

- job_name: "evm-node-log-exporter"
- regex:
expression: "^(?P<time>\\S+)\\s*\\[(?P<event>\\S+)\\](?P<msg>.*)$"
- timestamp:
source: time
format: RFC3339
- labels:
- targets:
__path__: <EVM_NODE_DATA_DIR>/daily_logs/*.log

Replace <EVM_NODE_DATA_DIR> with the path to the EVM node data dir, and <LOKI_ENDPOINT> with the Loki endpoint, most probably:


so if Loki is installed on the same server:


Make sure that the Promtail daemon is able to access the log files. If it's installed as a service, an easy way is to make the promtail user part of the same group as the user used to run the EVM node.

Adding log sinks

The EVM Node uses the same logging features as the octez node. It is possible to add new sinks using environment variables.

For example, the following definition will add logs in json format, with a daily rotation, 4 file retention, with rw-r----- unix rights, in the (fictional) /some/data/dir/json_daily_logs directory.


This will result in files containing one json object per line.


Such files can be scraped using the following Promtail configuration. This will create a json event containing only the event of each log line.

- job_name: "evm-node-json-log-exporter"
- targets:
__path__: /some/data/dir/json_daily_logs/*.log
- json:
event-sink: '"fd-sink-item.v0"'
- json:
source: event-sink
event-name: event.keys(@)[0]
event: event.* | [0]
timestamp: time_stamp
- labels:
event: event-name
- timestamp:
source: timestamp
format: Unix
- output:
source: event
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