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❓ What is Etherlink?

Etherlink is an EVM-compatible layer-2 blockchain with a decentralized sequencer, offering very low fees and MEV protection, powered by Tezos Smart Rollup technology.

  • Decentralized 🌐: The decentralized sequencer reduces the risk of centralized control and manipulation.
  • Secure 🔒: Built-in MEV protection protects users against exploitation.
  • Low fees 💰 : Think $0.01 per transaction, not $20.

Etherlink uses Smart Rollups on the decentralized Tezos protocol for data availability and will expand to use the Tezos Data Availability Layer.

What does that mean?

  • EVM compatible: Etherlink runs all Solidity/Vyper smart contracts just like any other EVM chain. All your developer tooling (including Hardhat, Foundry, and Viem) should work out-of-the-box with Etherlink.
  • Smart Rollup: Smart Rollups are Tezos's permissionless L2 scaling solution. They are WASM applications, providing versatility in what language you write them in. They are optimistic and enshrined:
    • Optimistic means that when rollup operators publish a claim about the state of the rollup, the claim is trusted by default. Other operators can easily verify and challenge the claim, and a single honest operator is enough to ensure that the rollup is running honestly.
    • Enshrined means that they are implemented as a first-class operation at the protocol level within L1 Tezos, as opposed to using a smart contract on L1 like current Ethereum solutions.
  • Data availability on Tezos: Smart Rollups store data on Tezos layer 1, making it available to everyone.

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